Movement Thinking Imagination
Children learn through movement and play. Movement benefits the whole child and helps them learn about their world. Simple activities like walking across the curb while holding hands, rolling down a hill, skipping, and throwing a ball help develop balance, coordination, and other skills necessary for success.
How Your Child Benefits from Movement:
Featured “How To” Movement Videos
Video 1: Displayed: Motor Magic
Video 2: Fine Motor, Gross Motor and
Visual Perceptual Activity
Video 3: Fine Motor: Pom Pom Transfer
Video 4: Gross Motor: Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
More Great Stuff To Try!
Resource Cards
- Move Action Songs and Finger Play (Go to page2)
- Clean It Up, Paint with Water, Body Awareness, and More! (Go to page 3)
- Jumping Games , Bag Bounce and Find My Match (Go to page 4)
- Activity Roundup